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Acne: causes, symptoms, types and treatment


 What is Acne

Treating the effects of acne and spots for oily skin Acne is the most common skin disease among young people, it begins to appear in adolescence for both sexes. Pimples or spots on the face.

Acne: causes, symptoms, types and treatment
Acne: causes, symptoms, types and treatment

Acne occurs when dead skin cells or bacteria clog the pores of the skin (which are small holes on the surface of the skin that ventilate the skin). If the pores are clogged with dirt, bacteria, and oils repeatedly, it leads to the appearance of acne.

In addition, it is possible to treat acne in several effective ways, including physical therapy, chemotherapy or laser treatment. These treatments will reduce the effects of acne and spots significantly and obtain a satisfactory result at the end of the treatment.

symptoms Of Acne

  • Acne spreads quickly on the face, back, chest and shoulders.
  • If you suffer from this problem, you will notice the appearance of white or black pimples on your skin.
  • Black grains appear in this color because they are exposed and exposed to the oxygen in the atmosphere, while the white grains close inside the skin, so they appear in white.
  • White and black pimples are the most common types of acne.

Types Of Acne

  1. Small red pits that occur due to inflammation of the hair follicle under the skin.
  2. Small red blisters at the edges of yellow pus.
  3. Hard bumps under the skin that are often painful.
  4. Small bags under the skin with pus inside, sometimes painful.

Causes Of Acne

  • Change in hormones as a result of pregnancy or puberty (usually the pills that appear due to puberty improve upon reaching adulthood).
  • Taking certain medications such as birth control pills.
  • Eating more foods rich in sugars and carbohydrates such as potato chips and sweets.
  • Inheritance from one of the parents.

Acne Treatment

first home treatment

There are some home methods that help you protect your skin from acne and ensure that you get rid of its effects, namely:
  • Daily cleansing of the skin with a mild soap to remove excess oil and dirt (this method is good for acne treatment for oily skin).
  • Avoid squeezing grains so as not to spread bacteria and oils.
  • Try not to touch your face.
  • Use water-based cosmetics that do not clog the pores of the skin.
  • Reduce your intake of foods that contain sugars and starches.
  • Before bed, remove makeup and clean the face well.

Secondly, physical therapy using four methods to remove the effects of acne from the face:

black spot treatment with tea oil; This oil is extracted from the leaves of the tea tree found in Brazil, and studies have shown that tea oil has the ability to fight bacteria that cause skin infections and the appearance of pimples on the face, and when used, it treats the effects of acne 6 degrees more compared to regular medications, in addition, it can be used The gel extracted from tea oil is the best cleanser for oily skin and acne, as it contains 5% benzoyl peroxide, which is a common drug in the treatment of acne.

 How to use: Mix one tablespoon of tea oil with one tablespoon of diluted oil such as coconut oil, then fill a piece of cotton with the previous mixture and place it on the spot. You can repeat this method twice a day until the effects of acne fade.

Treatment of acne and black spots by using essential oils such as: clove oil, cinnamon, basil, lavender and other oils, because they are considered anti-bacterials for the skin. 
Studies have found that basil and clove oil contain a higher percentage of benzoyl peroxide, equivalent to 5% in the treatment of pimples and spots.
 Another study indicated that a mixture of orange acid, basil and acetic acid has the ability to treat facial spots by 75%, which is an excellent percentage.

 Also, rosemary with lemon can be used in 
the treatment of small grains in the face.

How to use: Mix 10 drops of essential oil 
with 30 ml of diluted oil, then apply the mixture to the spots with a cotton ball. Repeat the treatment twice daily. 
Note: Tea oil and essential oils must be diluted with a carrier oil (such as olive oil or coconut oil) before applying to the skin so as not to irritate and burn the skin.

green tea therapy; People drink green tea for its health benefits, in addition, it can be applied to the skin to treat acne and spots, because it contains compounds that fight bacteria and infections that cause pimples on the face, and it also contains antioxidants that fight bacteria and reduce the production of excess sebum, and this is a treatment Suitable for people with oily skin.

 How to use: Bring a green tea leaf and boil it in water for 5 minutes, then leave it a little to cool and then put it on the place of the grain and leave it for 10 minutes, then rinse it with lukewarm water. Repeat the treatment twice a day, you can store green tea in the refrigerator for two weeks.

moisturizing the skin with aloe vera; Aloe vera contains a gel that helps treat some skin diseases such as psoriasis, burns and wounds.
 For a satisfactory result, mix aloe vera gel with tretinoin cream (a cream used to treat facial acne) that contains vitamin A. When mixed with aloe vera gel, its effect becomes 50% stronger.
 That is, much more than using each type separately; When mixing this mixture of tretinoin cream and aloe vera gel, apply it to the pimples twice daily.

Third, medical treatment

There are several medicines that can be used without a prescription, such as:
  • Moisturizing creams containing benzoyl peroxide, which treat and dry pimples, prevent new pimples from forming, and also kill acne-causing bacteria.
  • Use masks that contain a natural sulfur compound with a distinctive smell.
  • Resorcinol, an ingredient used in lotion production, removes dead cells.
  • Using a soap containing salicylic acid prevents clogging of pores.
In the event that the previous over-the-counter medicines did not work, a dermatologist can be resorted to to examine the skin and prescribe appropriate treatments for it, as he will give the person antibiotics that eliminate bacteria, these medicines are drunk for a short period of time.

The doctor will also write more effective creams that help kill bacteria, whose effect is stronger than those that do not require medical advice.

In the case of severe acne that is difficult to treat with medication, the doctor will use laser treatment to peel the affected skin layer, in addition to that, he will inject cortisone into the face to get a better result.

Taking supplements such as zinc and fish oil can alleviate the problem in the long run.

Additional ways to help treat facial acne

  • Apple cider vinegar can help kill bacteria because it contains organic acids that fight bacteria, be sure to dilute it before using it.
  • There are several studies that have shown that the chance of acne in people who eat dairy is twice more, so try to reduce the intake of milk, cheese and dairy.
  • The use of a mask of honey and cinnamon helps to ventilate the skin and make it less prone to the spread of facial pimples.
  • Try to relax as much as possible and stay away from stress and anxiety, as some studies have linked stress and anxiety to the spread of acne.