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Local honey for allergies and the many benefits of bee honey


 Bee honey

Natural honey is a healthy food that bees produce after taking nectar from flowers. This food has been known for thousands of years. It can be replaced by sugar as a natural sweetener because of its many health and therapeutic benefits. Some hospitals even use it as an approved treatment, especially for wounds.

Local honey for allergies and the many benefits of bee honey
Local honey for allergies and the many benefits of bee honey

Most of the honey that is spread in the market is modified and added to special substances that change its natural color and degree of viscosity and ensure its validity for a longer period. These substances also affect its basic properties, making it less beneficial than natural or raw honey, so if you are interested in honey, you should buy it from places Reliable to ensure you get the original honey.

Benefits of bee honey

  •  rich in antioxidants:

 Natural honey contains a large group of chemical elements called polyphenols, which act as antibiotics that contribute to the treatment of some chronic diseases such as heart disease and cancer. It also fights aging, by eliminating free radicals, as these radicals increase the Cell damage and thus double the development of chronic diseases and increase their severity.

  • Treats wounds:
 Some hospitals rely on Manuka honey to treat and disinfect wounds, as it is highly effective in killing germs and rejuvenating damaged cells, and it speeds up the treatment period, but be sure that hospitals use raw honey that is free of modified and pasteurized materials, meaning that they do not use Honey available in the market.

  • Helps treat the digestive system:
 In addition to killing stomach germs, some studies have proven that it contains an effective vital substance that nourishes and makes the good bacteria in the intestines stronger, and these bacteria help digestion and treat diarrhea.

  • Helps lower blood pressure:
 The antioxidants in natural honey have a role in lowering blood pressure, the main cause of heart disease.

  • Reduces cholesterol:
 High levels of harmful cholesterol poses a risk to the heart, as it increases the incidence of heart attacks and atherosclerosis, in addition to that, it enhances the proportion of good cholesterol in the blood. Studies conducted on a group of people who ate natural honey for a certain period have shown that the proportion of Their bad cholesterol decreased by 5%.

  • Less harmful for diabetics:
 It is preferable to replace refined sugar and eat honey, especially for people with type 2 blood sugar, as its increase in diabetes levels is less than normal sugar and reduces the chance of heart disease for them, though care must be taken when eating it, as it is in the end a sweetener and it is better Follow a diet devoid of carbohydrates and sugars to avoid high blood sugar level.

  • Reducing the percentage of triglycerides:
 Triglycerides are associated with insulin resistance. The higher the percentage of triglycerides, the higher the sugar level, especially in the second type. It is known that eating a lot of sugar increases the percentage of fat in the body, so it is preferable to replace sugar with natural honey, especially when following a diet to reduce weight. This was confirmed by a ,
study conducted on two groups.

, The first group ate sugar and the second group ate natural honey, and after the end of the experiment period, it was found that people who ate natural honey had a decrease in their triglyceride levels by 19%.

Manuka honey

 Studies have proven that manuka honey contains antibacterial properties that cleanse the body of germs and bacteria that are directly responsible for the occurrence of some annoying problems and limit their spread and stop their growth, such as:
  1. coli bacteria; This bacteria is responsible for the occurrence of food poisoning.
  2. Staphylococcus bacteria, which cause skin infections.
  3. H. pylori or H. pylori; This germ spreads widely among people, causing inflammation and chronic ulcers in the stomach.

local honey for allergies

  • An effective treatment for sore throat and allergies: If you feel the symptoms of a cold, you only have to eat a tablespoon of honey or you can add it to tea with lemon and eat it twice a day until the symptoms go away, and this method has been used since ancient times in the treatment of sore throat and cough.

  • A strong cough remedy: Cough affects young and old, especially those who suffer from an upper respiratory infection. This infection affects sleep and various life matters. Sometimes medicines used to treat cough are useless, while natural honey is an ideal solution and the best option for treating cough and getting rid of it. It is completely out of it, so it is good for both young and old to eat it.

Note: It is forbidden to feed honey to children under the age of one year.

Moringa honey

 Description Moringa honey is exceptional, it is the best and most delicious types of black honey taken from Moringa leaves. It has a delicious taste that you can eat with a spoon for its splendor, in addition to that it is rich in nutrients necessary for health.

Amoringa its benefits:

  1. Rich in calcium, which is the necessary element for bones, which protects them from fragility, so it is important to take this honey, especially for women who have passed their menstrual period.
  2. Also, one of the important elements in it is potassium, which protects the acids in the body, so it is very useful for rheumatism and arthritis.

Kyrgyz white honey 

  • Benefits of Kyrgyz white honey
  • Good for treating headache pain and neurological diseases.
  • Best treatment for asthma and shortness of breath.
  • Helps build muscle and body coordination.
  • Relieves arthritis pain.
  • An antibiotic that treats many diseases and wounds.

Sidr honey

  • Treats germs and wounds by applying it to the wound area.
  • Useful for patients with sinusitis, as it reduces bacteria inside the nose.
  • Strengthens red blood cells, thus making the body stronger against germs, bacteria and viruses.
  • Relieves pain associated with menstruation.
  • It fights the signs of premature aging and makes the skin more healthy and vibrant.
  • It protects the body from the risks of cancer, because it contains antioxidants that prevent free radicals from damaging cells.
  • An effective treatment for sore throats and colds, it acts as an antiviral, especially when combined with lemon tea.
  • Excellent in general for the health of the body as a whole, so it is good to provide it for the elderly to help them strengthen memory, heart health, and to treat arthritis and bone pain.
