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Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency and its natural treatment


This vitamin is one of the most important vitamins needed by the body, which plays a key role in the formation of red blood cells, DNA, and has a role in the normal and proper functioning of the nervous system, and this is the function of vitamin B12.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency and its natural treatment
Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency and its natural treatment

The body cannot produce this vitamin, so it must be obtained from natural sources such as meat, fish, chicken and dairy products. It can also be obtained through milk and some types of bread.

Read: Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin B12 deficiency is very prevalent among people, especially among the elderly and people who follow a vegetarian diet, or who suffer from malabsorption of food, It may take many years to detect it because it is difficult to diagnose, and it is sometimes confused with folic acid deficiency.

How much should a person get per day, according to age?

  • From 1 day to 6 months old: 0.4 mcg.
  • From 7 months to 1 year: 0.5 mcg.
  • 1 year to 3 years old: 0.9 mcg.
  • From 4 years to 8 years: 1.2 mcg.
  • From 9 years to 13 years: 1.8 mcg.
  • 14 years and over: 2.4 mcg.
  • In case of pregnancy: 2.6.
  • During breastfeeding: 2.8.

Who are at risk of developing vitamin B12 deficiency?

  • Elderly.
  • People who don't eat meat or who follow a strict vegetarian diet.
  • Diabetics due to taking metformin.
  • An immune system disorder such as lupus.
  • Those who underwent surgery to remove part of the intestine, especially the area responsible for absorbing this vitamin.

Causes of Vitamin B12 deficiency

  1. The main reason is the lack of the substance responsible for absorbing vitamin B12, or what is known as stomach acid, as some people suffer from poor absorption of this vitamin and some have a health condition that causes its destruction.
  2. Pernicious anemia, in which the shape of red blood cells is large and distorted.
  3. The chance of it occurring increases during pregnancy and lactation.
  4. The presence of parasites or germs in the intestine.
  5. Pancreatitis is a chronic inflammation of the pancreas caused by gallstones.
  6. Long-term use of medicines such as medicines for gastritis and ulcers.
  7. Little or no intake of foods rich in vitamin B12 such as fish, red meat, butter, milk, cheese and other sources.
  8. Digestive problems or disorders such as gastritis or sensitivity to gluten (a protein found in wheat).
  9. In the case of an operation to remove part of the stomach or intestine due to certain diseases such as Crohn's disease.
  10. Taking medications that affect the absorption of vitamin B12, such as diabetes medication.
  11. alcohol addiction.
  12. Congenital causes or rare birth defects.

Symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency

  • The skin is pale and yellowish, and the eyes are white, and this is known as jaundice, due to problems during the production of red blood cells.
  • General weakness in the body and feeling constantly dizzy, due to the body's need for pellets.
  • diarrhea or constipation.
  • Anorexia.
  • Feeling of bloating and a lot of gas.
  • Nerve problems such as tingling and numbness in the hands, and the inability to walk normally.
  • Memory loss and lack of focus.
  • Standing and walking unbalanced.
  • Depression, anxiety, stress, and sudden mood changes.
  • The tongue is noticeably soft, which is evidence of inflammation, ulcers, tingling and pain in it.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • High palpitations of the heart.
  • Malnutrition for pregnant women.
  • Vision disturbance or vision loss in advanced cases.
  • High temperature and this in rare cases.

Diagnosis: At the present time, the diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency has become easier. It is done by studying the symptoms that a person is going through, and then confirming the condition by conducting a blood test to find out the causes of its occurrence and developing the appropriate treatment plan for it.

natural vitamin b12 ratio

The proportion of vitamin b12 is calculated in picograms, and the normal ratio for it is between (200 - 835 pg / milliliter (148-616 mol / liter), if the percentage of vitamin is found to be less than that, it is due to one of these main reasons:

  • The body does not absorb vitamin B12.
  • Not eating enough b12 sources.
  • A disease in the stomach, intestines or pancreas.
  • Undergoing stomach surgery.
  • If the percentage is higher than the normal rate, it is usually due to the occurrence of a liver disease such as hepatitis or cirrhosis.

Vitamin B12 deficiency treatment

  • In the beginning, care must be taken to eat animal foods such as meat, chicken and fish, and be careful to eat eggs and dairy products. As for those who follow the vegetarian diet, they must abandon this system and eat meat as much as possible.

  • In case of anemia or malabsorption, the doctor will prescribe nutritional supplements by drinking them or taking injections for two weeks or even by nasal sprays, each according to his needs.

  • For the elderly, attention should be given to giving them nutritional supplements that contain various vitamins in addition to vitamin B12 supplements.

  • Treatment of diseases that led to vitamin B12 deficiency, such as pancreatitis.

  • If there are problems or nerve damage, this problem will continue and nutritional supplements will not help in this case.

Is vitamin b12 deficiency dangerous?

Yes, this deficiency becomes dangerous if treatment is neglected or misdiagnosis, and it results in several risk factors such as:

  • Problems with the nervous system, and this is difficult to treat.
  • temporary infertility.
  • Pregnancy problems and the possibility of miscarriage is high, or congenital malformations occur in the fetus.
  • Heart disease risk.
  • The possibility of stomach cancer.
  • dementia.

Vitamin B12 Sources

  • Red meat, fish and poultry.
  • Beef liver.
  • egg.
  • milk.
  • mushrooms.
  • white cheese.
  • food yeast.
  • fortified cereals.

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